Need Machine

Coach House Books
Andrew Faulkner
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"After reading Mr. Faulkner's incredible book, something happened. I began to feel bad for the person I was before reading his poems. The poet writes: 'I've placed dynamite around your heart and a bit / in your teeth. How bored you must have been / before you met me.' And he's right. It was so goddamn boring before we met him."—Matthew Dickman

Need Machine clamors through the brain like an unruly marching band. Both caustic and thoughtful, these poems offer a topography of modern life writ large in twitchy, neon splendor, in a voice as sure as a surgeon and as trustworthy as a rumor.

Andrew Faulkner co-curates The Emergency Response Unit, a chapbook press. This is his first book.

Contributor Bio

Andrew Faulkner: Andrew Faulkner co-curates The Emergency Response Unit, a chapbook press. His poems have been published in The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2011, and his chapbook Useful Knots and How to Tie Them was shortlisted for the bpNichol Chapbook Award. He lives in Toronto.

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