Nessie's Knot

Nessie's worries about what to wear to a hat party have twisted her insides into a knot, so she sets off to ask the animals of the outback to help her untie it. But no help is forthcoming, and when her request lands her within the snapping jaws of a crocodile, Nessie realises she might need to work this worry out for herself! And whatever is she going to wear to the hat party?

When Katie Aaron emigrated to Australia from England, she took all her favourite picture books with her, even the dog-chewed one. She now lives in Perth with her family, who have added favourites of their own to the bookshelves. Katie likes picture books a lot. She likes dogs a lot too, but not when they chew her picture books.
Maia Batumashvili was born in Tiblisi, Georgia in 1978. Since a young age, Maia has loved to draw and is inspired by the children’s books and cartoons she grew up with. After graduating from two art institutes, Maia worked on an animation project before finally realising her dream of illustrating children’s books. When Maia is not creating imaginative worlds, she enjoys spending time with her three beautiful children and her dog, Tayo.