Not For Tourists Guide to Boston 2013
The Not For Tourists Guide to Boston is the ultimate guidebook for already street-savvy Bostonians, business travelers, and tourists alike. It divides the city into twenty-eight neighborhoods, mapped out and marked with user-friendly icons identifying services and entertainment venues. Restaurants, banks, community gardens, hiking, public transportation, and landmarks—NFT packs it all into one convenient pocket-sized guide. The guide includes a foldout highway map, and sections on all of Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville. Buy it for your cah or your pawket; the NFT guide to Beantown will help you make the most of your time in the city.
Not For Tourists (NFT) released their first book, a guide to Manhattan, in May of 2000. Today, NFT is an urban lifestyle brand that works closely with city and neighborhood editors in Boston, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, and New York. Their offices are in New York City.