Olivia Stone and the Dread of the Dreamers

ifwg Publishing International
Jeffery E Doherty
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Age range 9 to 12

"I don't like spiders...they give me the shivers." Olivia shudders to prove her point.

Dreamweavers feed on the dread and despair of their victims. To help Yip stop their nightmarish infestation of the city, Olivia has to prowl dark streets, brave the boy's toilet, and break into the old Haven Asylum.

She must face her greatest fear, the mother of all spiders, if she has any hope of saving her friend, Emmett.

Contributor Bio

Jeffery E Doherty makes up stuff; he’s arty and a bit of a nerd. Jeff loves to read, write, illustrate, and review stories and books for children. He thinks that writing stories for others to enjoy is the most special thing anyone can do because through books, you can live a thousand lifetimes.