Origins of the Ottoman Dynasty

A Philological Exploration of Its Earliest Account

Anthem Press
Kemal Silay
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Ahmedi’s History of the Kings of the Ottoman Lineage and Their Holy Raid(s) against the Infidels is the foundation text for the study of the rise of the Ottoman State. Virtually, every scholarly work dealing with the subject refers to his versified account of the early Ottomans. Even though it encompasses only a limited period of the Ottoman dynastic history, its importance derives from the fact that it is the oldest annalistic account of Ottoman history that has come down to us. Because the earliest Ottomans left no accounts of themselves, Ahmedi’s work became the key source—though almost always without a proper reading of the text—for subsequent theories regarding the social and political structure of the early Ottoman State.

Contributor Bio

Dr. Kemal Silay is Professor of Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.
