Over 50 and Motivated

A Job Search Book for Job Seekers Over 50

WriteLife Publishing
Brian E Howard
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The state of the economy has pushed back retirement for many in the job market. After working one job for many years, renewing the search may make a job seeker feel like a duck out of water. According to government statistics, job seekers over 50 encounter notably longer unemployment than their younger counterparts, but these statistics do not have to apply to you! There are employers out there that not only will hire you, they are looking for you. The key is to find them and sell them on your skills. In Over 50 and Motivated, Brian Howard offers a systematic approach for conducting a job search based on years of frontline recruiting experience, offering tips for combating age bias, getting job offers, and landing your next fulfilling position.

Contributor Bio

With more than 25 years of recruiting experience, Brian Howard has received international acclaim and is a member of an international recruiting organizations Hall of Fame. Under Brian's leadership, The Howard Group has received the prestigious Best in Class Award for Overall Client Satisfaction.