Presenting Learning

Association for Talent Development
Anthony Bingham, Tony Jeary
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It’s no news to trainers that when times are tight, training is one of the first functions to go. This happens, the authors argue, not because C-level executives distrust the function, but because training officers do not communicate as they should with the executives. This no-nonsense book teaches how to boost communications skills and ensure that management understands the value of training – in terms they relate to and understand. The key message to get across: the strategic value of training programs and their learning officers; moreover, that the training function is a strategic function. The book’s five key actions will help readers learn what needs to be said. Key to success is the presentation: “Why the presentation is everything – literally.” Topics include how to:

Present your business case persuasively – and in business language

Deal with changing business conditions

Position yourself as a strategic partner rather than just a service provider

Initiate positive change

Use numbers and statistics compellingly

Build a professional brand

Effectively sell your services.

Presenting Learning, written by two of the leading authorities on learning and strategic presentations, is an indispensable guide for trainers to position and maintain their programs in the contemporary corporate and government environment.

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