Prey for Love

Dreamspinner Press
Andrew Grey
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When successful businessman Phillip Barone attends a lover's funeral and discovers he was just the latest of Phillip's partners to die, Phillip knows he's in trouble. He also knows just the man he needs. Former Marine Barry Malone would love a second chance with Phillip-he just wishes the romance could be rekindled under better circumstances. But Phillip's stalker is escalating, and if Barry cannot solve the mystery of who wants Phillip dead and why, he might lose him for good. Barry's determined, but the investigation struggles against the wit of a crafty killer-one who is closer to Phillip than they could have realized. Luckily Barry is even closer, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect the man he's falling in love with all over again.

Contributor Bio

Dirk Greyson is very much an outside kind of man. He loves travel and seeing new things. Dirk worked in corporate America for way too long and now spends his days writing, gardening, and taking care of the home he shares with his partner of more than two decades. He has a master’s degree and all the other accessories that go with a corporate job. But he is most proud of the stories he tells and the life he’s built. Dirk lives in Pennsylvania in a century-old home and is blessed with an amazing circle of friends.