Quake: A Novel

Dottir Press
Auður Jónsdóttir, translated by Meg Matich
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  • Written by widely acclaimed author. Auður Jónsdóttir has won the Icelandic Literary Prize, the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize, and others, in addition to being the granddaughter of perhaps the most famous Icelandic writer, Halldor Laxness.
  • Hailed as Jónsdóttir's "best book yet."Quake: A Novel has garnered a huge following for Jónsdóttir in Iceland that holds the potential to carry to the U.S.
  • Translated by Meg Matich, author of Magma, forthcoming from Grove Atlantic in July 2021.
  • Lyrical, evocative writing, with sharp and intuitive characterization praised by numerous Icelandic national media outlets.
  • Centers the intersectional experiences of disability and motherhood. The book has wide potential readership and highlights lesser-heard experiences and voices.
Contributor Bio

Auður Jónsdóttir is one of the most accomplished authors writing in Icelandic today. She won the Icelandic Literary Prize for The People in the Basement and the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize for Secretaries to the Spirits. Both of these novels were nominated for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. Auður's latest novel, Quake (Stóri skjálfti), became Auður's most successful novel to date and gathered a huge following among Icelandic readers of all ages, strengthening Auður's position as an important writer of her generation.
