Quién Te Enseñó Que Estabas Desnudo?

Una Refrescante Reexaminación del Jardín del Edén

Carpenter's Son Publishing
William Combs
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The knowledge of good and evil we inherited from Adam is a dimension of our intellect so innate, so instinctual, so intuitive, so pervasive a way of responding to our everyday circumstances it is virtually impossible to avoid. Even though it is the wellspring of our transgressions, we are apt to overlook its devastating impact and view sin as a life-long list of errant acts, believing we can become better Christians by committing fewer of them.

The purpose of this book is to reexamine how sin came into the world through Adam and how the Lord has redeemed us by His grace through faith from this formidable adversary “crouching at the door”.

This book is the Spanish language version of Who Told You That You Were Naked?

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