Rapid Video Development for Trainers

How to Create Learning Videos Fast and Affordably

Association for Talent Development
Jonathan Halls
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Rapid Video Development for Trainers meets the needs of companies and individuals who are thinking about or have dabbled in video production. Although producing focused, high quality video is well within the capability of nearly every development professional, the skill sets required to do so have not traditionally fallen within most trainers’ job descriptions. This is where Rapid Video Development comes in: a comprehensive tutorial covering every aspect of web-based video development, this book provides both the theoretical overview and the nuts-and-bolts instructions for creating professional quality video quickly, easily, and inexpensively.

Written specifically for trainers by a 20-year media industry veteran who has worked in Europe, America, and Asia, Rapid Video Development explains in clear, non-technical language everything you need to know to create exceptionally instructive, cost-effective video yourself.

Some of the topics discussed include:

a summary 12-point plan for achieving success with your training video

At a time when training and development budgets are being decreased, staff must be able to do more with less. And, since web-based video is rapidly assuming a critical role in corporate training, the ability to create highly effective video in-house is crucial. Rapid Video Development is your invaluable educational resource for every aspect of professional-quality, cost-effective web video production.

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