Redefining Black Power

Reflections on the State of Black America

City Lights Publishers
Edited by Joanne Griffith, contributions by Michelle Alexander, Van Jones, Vincent Harding
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The Obama presidency represents a major milestone in black history and the struggle for political, economic and cultural equality in the United States. But how – if at all – has the first black presidency helped move things forward for people of color? Has it delivered the 'change we can believe in' and 'deepening of democracy' that communities of color organized around? To explore these questions, BBC journalist Joanne Griffith interviews black intellectuals, leaders and activists and holds roundtable discussions in several communities around the country.

Contributor Bio

Joanne Griffith is an award-winning international broadcast journalist who has reported, produced and hosted programs for the BBC, NPR and Pacifica Radio. She has spent her 15-year career telling the stories of tragedy and triumph throughout the African Diaspora. Based in LA, Griffith hosts a weekly radio program for BBC Radio.
