Reviving Local Authority Housing Delivery

Challenging Austerity Through Municipal Entrepreneurialism

Policy Press
Janice Morphet, Ben Clifford
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This book provides crucial insight into the fight back against austerity by local authorities through emerging forms of municipal entrepreneurialism in housing delivery. 

Capturing this moment within its live context, the authors examine the ways that local authorities are moving towards increased financial independence based on their own activities to implement new forms and means of housebuilding activity. 

They assess these changes in the context of the long-term relationship between local and central government and argue that contemporary local authority housing initiatives represent a critical turning point, whilst also providing new ways of thinking about meting housing need.

Contributor Bio

Janice Morphet is a Visiting Professor at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London.

Ben Clifford is Associate Professor in Spatial Planning and Government at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London.
