Roman Comedy: Five Plays by Plautus and Terence

Menaechmi, Rudens and Truculentus by Plautus; Adelphoe and Eunuchus by Terence

Plautus, Terence, edited and translated by David Christenson
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This anthology contains English translations of five plays by two of the best practitioners of Roman comedy, Plautus and Terence. The plays, Menaechmi, Rudens, Truculentus, Adelphoe, and Eunuchus, provide an introduction to the world of Roman comedy. As with all Focus translations, the emphasis is on a handsomely produced, inexpensive, readable edition that is close to the original, with an extensive introduction, notes and appendices.

Contributor Bio

David Christenson (Ph.D. Harvard Uniserisy) is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Arizona. He is the author of several books including "Roman Comedy: Five Plays by Plautus and Terence" and "Plautus: Casina, Amphitryon, Captivi, Pseudolus," both for Focus Publishing. In 2011-12, he will be a Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellow.