Salt and Light
Living the Sermon on the Mount

Salt and Light puts hands and feet to the demands of the Sermon on the Mount from the viewpoint of a writer who believes they are not only viable, but inescapable - something for us to live out today. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus puts aside his usual parables and speaks plainly in language anyone can understand. Yet for centuries countless scholars have dissected and analyzed these important words - and dismissed their demanding precepts as unrealistic or symbolic. Like Francis of Assisi and others, Arnold chose to live Jesus' words. He found new life by embracing the self-sacrificing demands of the Sermon on the Mount. This collection of talks and essays vividly describes a healing, energizing power for those burdened by the concerns of daily life. Arnold calls us to live for the Sermon's ultimate goal: the overturning of the prevailing order of injustice and building in its place a just, peaceable society motivated by love.