Samuel Beckett and the Arts
Italian Negotiations

Examines the relationship between Samuel Beckett and Italian culture from an inter medial perspective.
Beckett’s dialogue with the arts (music, painting, digital media) and his poetic production have found a growing critical attention, from seminal comprehensive studies, to more recent contributions. Research has progressively moved from a general inquiry on Beckett beyond the strictly literary to issues related to intermediality and embodiment, posthumanism, technology, and intersections with popular culture. However, a specific analysis on Beckett’s relationship with Italian arts and poetry on one side and on Italian’s artists response to the Beckett’s oeuvre on the other is still missing. This volume intends to fill this gap, offering a view of Beckett as an 'Italian' artist (an identity and a language which coexisted, even if to a different degree, with the Irish, English, and French in the authors’ work).

Davide Crosara (PhD, “Sapienza”) is Adjunct Professor of English at “Sapienza” Università di Roma. His main fields of interest are Shakespeare studies, Modernism, posthumanism and the interconnectedness between literature and science.
Mario Martino (PhD, Florence University) is Professor of English Literature, La Sapienza - University of Rome. His research interests include Elizabethan and seventeenth-century lyric, the Victorian novel, Modernism, Beckett, and literature and science.