Second Chances
"Second Chances" is a memoir of faith, survival, and growth. Dave Jackson lost his faith, he even started blaming God for events in his life. He changed jobs and lost track of what was valuable. It took dying on a YMCA floor to get his attention. God gave Dave a second chance at life, and Dave is taking it. He knows how you can find fulfillment— without going through the heart attack.
"Second Chances" will help people find their purpose and realize that God can, and will, help. You may have to get on an emotional, physical, and spiritual rollercoaster to get there, but the tracks are laid down and God has a plan.
Dave Jackson is an educator of 33 years that includes: Physical Education/ English teacher, strength & conditioning coach, basketball and track coach, and mentor of many kids of all ages. He is currently a Director of Operations in a Kansas school district. He decided to write a book after a life-changing event back in September of 2019.
At 53, and in the best shape of his life, he was on his way out of the YMCA after a workout and collapsed...flat on his back. He was unresponsive for nearly 75 seconds. Hooked up to an AED by people he calls his "Guardian Angels" and then, finally, woke up. What are the odds that an ER Trauma Doctor was on an elliptical machine less than 20' away and jumped into action? This is one of many "Godwinks" that occurred and it is a miracle that he is alive to write this book.
Dave encourages self-reflection about finding your purpose and finding God. He was not necessarily a non-believer in Christ, but let's just say, after that day, he's now a FIRM BELIEVER and would love to share his story.