Sing Something True

Fitzroy Books
Brenda A Ferber
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There’s a new girl at school who’s stealing her best friend’s heart, an abandoned bird who might not survive the winter, and an older sister whose emotional needs leave Cassidy scrambling to keep the peace. Cassidy will do anything to help prevent her sister’s “Super Sophie Tantrums,” even if that means pretending life is fine when it one-hundred-percent is not. But pretending has its limits and its costs, even for a sunshiny girl like Cassidy. Will she find a way to embrace the stormy side of her personality before everything falls apart?

Contributor Bio

Brenda A. Ferber is a writer, crisis counselor, wife, mom, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, and optimist. She lives with her husband in South Florida. Other books you may love of hers are Julia’s Kitchen, Jemma Hartman, Camper Extraordinaire, and The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever.
