Smut Peddler Presents: Sex Machine

Iron Circus Comics
Edited by C. Spike Trotman, Amanda Lafrenais, contributions by Anderjak, Jon Cairns, Blue Delliquanti, Savanna Ganucheau, ghostgreen, Harlotin, Myisha Haynes, Faith Erin Hicks, Aud Koch, Kelly Matthews, Nicole Matthews, Meredith McClaren, Tits McGee, Taylor Robin, Fiona Staples, Roxie Thunderhug
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“The home of great, sex-driven stories from female creators, across a wide variety of genres, genders, and sexualities.” — i09

The future of filth is here! The latest in the Smut Peddler series of erotic anthologies, Sex Machine is a stellar array of comics talent taking sex to the furthest reaches of your imagination. Whether it’s out in wild space or deep in coded virtual realms, the galaxy’s sexiest robots, cyborgs, AI’s, and some humans here and there explore their hottest desires in the bravest of new worlds.

Our most wildly inventive collection yet, Sex Machine reminds fans of quality filth why Smut Peddler is the last word in top-shelf sexy comics. Featuring the work of FIONA STAPLES, FAITH ERIN HICKS, MEREDITH MCCLAREN, BLUE DELLIQUANTI, and many more!

Contributor Bio

Editor Amanda Lafrenais is the creator of the webcomic Love Me Nice, and a frequent contributor to Iron Circus Comics anthology projects. She is active on social media and co-hosts the comics podcast, Dirty Old Ladies.