Snack Attack

Maya and Her Snack Filled Sleepover

Young Authors Publishing
Taylor Je T’aime Hightower, Young Authors Publishing
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Age range 5 to 8

It's Maya's big birthday sleepover, and that means she should be able to eat all the snacks she wants. . . right?

It is every kid's dream to enjoy mountains of sweets on their birthday, while surrounded by their family and friends. In this case, Maya’s snack-filled birthday sleepover may put her in a whirlwind of a nightmare! Maya thinks that because she is turning 11 years old that nothing can scare her. She may have forgotten what happened last time she ate too many treats before bed, but her parents and sister will be sure to remind her.

Do you listen when your parents tell you not to eat so much before bed? Do you follow the rules and keep yourself from attacking those snacks? Snack Attack: Maya's Snack Filled Sleepover brings laughter, lessons, and sweet fun!

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