Spawn 2
More Weird Horror Tales about Pregnancy, Birth and Babies

Curated by Deborah Sheldon, this second volume follows the multi-award-winning and multi-award-nominated anthology of Australian dread, Spawn: Weird Horror Tales About Pregnancy, Birth and Babies. Spawn 2 interprets and reinterprets pregnancy, birth and babies in a myriad of unexpected ways that will frighten, shock, disgust, horrify, surprise, and move you.
Penned by established authors and fresh new voices, these stories range from the folkloric and phantasmagorical, through sci-fi and cybernetics, to historical and the occult. Prepare for an intimate, anxious, eviscerating read.

Deborah Sheldon is an award-winning author of short stories, novellas and novels across the darker spectrum of horror, crime and noir. Recent titles include the novel Body Farm Z (Severed Press), novella The Long Shot (Twelfth Planet Press), and the collection Figments and Fragments: Dark Stories (IFWG Australia). Her short stories have been published in many anthologies and magazines including Aurealis, Midnight Echo, Andromeda Spaceways, and Dimension6. She won the Australian Shadows 'Best Collected Work' Award for Perfect Little Stitches and Other Stories.