Strange Relics

Stories of Archaeology and the Supernatural, 1895-1954

Handheld Press
Edited by Dr Amara Thornton, introduction by Katy Soar
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Archaeological historian Amara Thornton of the University of London, and Classical archaeologist Katy Soar from the University of Winchester have curated a selection of twelve outstanding short stories encompassing horror, ghosts, hauntings, and possession, all from archaeological excavation.

From a Neolithic rite to Egyptian religion to Roman remains to medieval masonry to some uncanny ceramic tiles in a perfectly ordinary American sun lounge, the relics in these stories are, frankly, horrible.

Stories include: The Ape, by E F Benson, Roman Remains, by Algernon Blackwood, Ho! The Merry Masons, by John Buchan, Through the Veil, by Arthur Conan Doyle, View From A Hill, M R James, Curse of the Stillborn, by Margery Lawrence, Whitewash, by Rose Macaulay, The Shining Pyramid, by Arthur Machen, Cracks of Time, by Dorothy Quick, The Cure, by Eleanor Scott

Contributor Bio

Amara Thornton is an archaeological historian at the Institute of Archaeoliogy, University of London.

Katy Soar is a lecturer in archaeology at the University of Winchester, UK.

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