Strike from the Sea

The Development and Deployment of Strategic Cruise Missiles since 1934

Naval Institute Press
Norman C. Polmar, John O'Connell
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The Arabian Gulf has been at the centre of the world stage and a major 'flash point' for over 40 years. Expert naval historian Iain Ballantyne examines the role of the US and Royal Naval forces in this troubled area over the period from 1961 to this present day. He describes the various build-up of forces to counter numerous international threats and wars, be they the Israeli/Arab conflicts, Iran/Iraq War, the US hostage dramas, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the Coalition Campaign that followed, the years of blockade and, of course, the recent invasion of Iraq, overthrowing Saddam Hussein.

Contributor Bio

Norman Polmar is an analyst, consultant, and author specializing in naval, aviation, and intelligence subjects. Has served as an advisor/consultant to three U.S. Senators, the Speaker of the House, and three Secretaries of the Navy. He has written or co-authored more than 50 published books, including four editions of Guide to the Soviet Navy and nine editions of Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet. He has served in the Secretary of the Navy’s Research Advisory Board and served as chairman of the Science and Technology Advisory Board of the Department of Homeland Security. As a naval officer, John O’Connell, served in an aircraft carrier and heavy cruiser, and, subsequently, 22 years in submarines, including a Regulus missile submarine, and commanded a submarine and a submarine division. He served as U.S. Defense and Naval Attache in Tokyo from 1978–1981. He authored three books on air power and two books on submarines and served as a docent at the National Air and Space Museum for two decades.