Survival Thai
How to Communicate without Fuss or Fear Instantly! (Thai Phrasebook & Dictionary)

This is a handy Thai phrasebook and guide to the Thai language. Find the Thai word or phrase you need in a flash! "Survival Thai" is a clear, practical book that gives you the most important everyday Thai words and phrases needed to get around and communicate. If you're one of the millions of people visiting Thailand and its capital city, Bangkok, each year--this is the pocket-sized phrase book to bring along. Here's why: This book is current! Unlike other books, "Survival Thai" offers the latest mobile phone, Internet and social media slang. It presents the key phrases you'll need no matter what situation you're in. Simple phonetic pronunciations are given for each word and phrase--so you can say the words correctly and be understood. The Thai script is there too, so you can just "point to it" if need be.As a bonus, free online videos are provided to guide you through the pronunciation and speaking lessons--and make your visit to Thailand much smoother and more fun!

Thomas Lamosse has spent the past decade teaching Thai and has done translation work for the Thai immigration department. His teaching system (Talk-2-me-Thai) has helped hundreds of businesspeople, company owners, college students and tourists to learn Thai more easily. He divides his time between Thailand and Edina, MN.