Tangled Transformations
Unifying Germany and Integrating Europe, 1985-1995

Tangled Transformations presents a historical analysis of the interplay between German unification and European integration from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s. Building on freshly released documents, the book’s sixteen chapters explore constellations in which the two processes accelerated and informed one another.
The book highlights the role of Germany’s neighbours to the east, with chapters discussing the cotransformation between East and West as well as chapters dedicated to Poland, Romania, and Hungary. It sheds new light on the two interrelated processes by examining the role of Germany’s most important Western neighbours and partners: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. The book pays particular attention to the role of the European Commission as well as to monetary and industrial policy. It also moves beyond the economic sphere by discussing foreign and security policy issues, justice and home affairs, German debates about European integration at the time, and the significance of the German federal states. Ultimately, Tangled Transformations demonstrates the strong interlinkages between German unification and European integration.