Tarot Decoded
A manual for the tarot card novice that shows how to set up the first tarot card layout and begin to give tarot readings
This simple, step-by-step guide to beginning tarot readings contains diagrams of the card layouts and a discussion of all of the cards in the tarot deck. The book’s method is to present a card-sized outline on each page in which the reader can place the appropriate card from his/her tarot deck. A general meaning is given, and the reader is invited to study each card and expand the associations with the cards in a personal way. Also included is an essay on some of the esoteric meanings of the minor arcana cards, which are the most challenging for a beginning tarot reader.
E. J. Gold is a leader of the human potential movement on the West Coast. He has extensive experience in tarot reading and divination, as well as being an artist, musician, healer, and author of more than 50 books on spiritual and self-help subjects. He lives in Nevada City, California.