Teacher Guide for In Search of April Raintree and April Raintree
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Stories of Indigenous Survivance, Family Separation, and the Child Welfare System

Christine M'Lot, consultant editor Dr. Karlee D. Fellner
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First published in 1983, In Search of April Raintree is a Canadian classic that presents a heart-rending and powerful account of the harsh realities that Indigenous and Métis peoples face.
Written by Anishinaabe educator Christine M’Lot with psychologist Dr. Karlee Fellner, the Teacher Guide for In Search of April Raintree and April Raintree helps teachers create dynamic learning experiences for their students in grades 11 and 12, while maintaining a respectful and dignified approach to Indigenous topics.
In this guide you will find:
- an inquiry based approach with resources for teaching from a trauma-informed stance
- easy-to-use lesson plans, reproducibles, and assessment opportunities
- a focus on wellness and supporting students while learning about difficult topics
- activities that encourage cross-curricular connections and collaboration
- free access to supplemental videos covering wellness topics
- a glossary of terms and suggested resources to extend learning