The anthropology of ambiguity
Theory, praxis and critique

This volume puts ambiguity and its generative power at the centre of analytical attention. Rather than being cast negatively as a source of confusion, bewilderment or as a dangerous portent, ambiguity is held as the source of the dynamic between knowledge and experience and of certainty amid uncertainty. It positions human life between the realms of mystery and mastery where ambiguity is understood as the experience and expression of life and part of navigating the human condition. In turn, the tension between the tradition in anthropology of examining cultural certitudes through ethnographic description and efforts to challenge dominant expressions of incertitude are explored. Each chapter presents ethnographic accounts of how people engage individually and collectively with the self, the other, human-made institutions and the more-than-human to navigate ambiguity in a world affected by viral contagion, climate change, economic instability, labour precarity and (geo)political tension.

Mahnaz Alimardanian is an adjunct research fellow at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University, and a consultant anthropologist providing community-based research services in Australia, PiiR Consulting
Timothy Heffernan is a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, and a visiting fellow (2022-24) at the School of Psychology and Medicine, Australian National University