The Antibody

A mysterious character from the city arrives at a peaceful country village, attracting the interest of Josu, a young adolescent. José Luis, the newly arrived vicar, is the ideal mentor for any rebellious boy with a curious heart. More comfortable sneaking around and spying on people from the rooftops, than playing with others in the mud, Josu delves into the memories of the newly arrived vicar’s troubled past.
“I smiled and my fangs glistened. I put the rifle back in its place and grabbed the tightly knotted sack with the chicken inside. As I had imagined, he didn't have the guts to open it.”
Julio José Ordovás’ skillfully woven and fearless narrative tells of an unlikely friendship between two rebellious characters at different times in their lives. His debut novel promises an unrestrained, uncensored narration, leaving nothing untold. Taken from the adult Josu’s perspective, this nostalgic narration demonstrates the author’s striking ability to present a spectrum of human emotions with distinct ironic undertones.