The Art of Body Talk

How to Decode Gestures, Mannerisms, and Other Non-Verbal Messages

Career Press
Gregory Hartley, Maryann Karinch
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Yes, you can read anyone like a book!

Reading body language is a gateway to understanding why people act the way they do. It's not just a matter of understanding their true emotions, but also identifying their true motivation.

In The Art of Body Talk the authors share their highly successful READ (Review Evaluate Analyze Decide) system of understanding body language, but with an exciting twist: They give you the skills to use READ to see what's behind those eye movements, gestures, and twitches, the skills to go inside the head of your source!

  • Why stop at "what" in reading body language? Go all the way to "why"--the driving force behind the actions.
  • Discover how to get past your filters, so you aren't tricked by your own misperceptions.
  • Learn how to apply the skills in business and in your personal life.

The Art of Body Talk

gives you the fastest, most efficient method to read anyone's body language. You will easily be able to perceive the emotions and spot the messages people are really sending--whether they know it or not (and whether they want to or not!).

Contributor Bio

Gregory Hartley's expertise as an interrogator first earned him honors with the United States Army. More recently, it has drawn organizations such as the Navy SEALS and national TV to seek his insights about "how to" as well as "why." Greg has an illustrious military record, including earning the prestigious Knowlton Award, which recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army Intelligence. Greg has provided expert interrogation analysis for all major networks and many cable television channels, as well as NPR. He has been featured on many drive-time radios shows, morning television, and prime print media such as The Washington Post, US Weekly, and Newsday.Maryann Karinch is the author of 10 books, most of which address human behavior. Her corporate background includes senior communications positions with technology companies. Maryann and Gregory are coauthors of How to Spot a Liar and I Can Read You Like a Book.
