The Baptismal Life

Northwestern Publishing House
Dr. Rev. Michael Berg

Water is everywhere in the Bible. Whether it's literal H2O or water as a motif, the pages of God's Word are saturated with the stuff. This water kept and keeps God's people alive not just physically, but spiritually as well. In this book, Rev. Dr. Michael Berg reflects on the power of water in Scripture, the impact of baptism, and how this precious sacrament connects believers to Christ. Readers will follow the water story of the Word as it winds through accounts both well-known (creation, the flood) and obscure (the Passover, Naaman) before ultimately bringing us before God in paradise. Additionally, each chapter offers astute connections to the baptismal sacrament and useful takeaways for a Christian life. The book ends with a commentary on the Order of Baptism that explains this rite in an approachable way for laypeople.

Contributor Bio

Rev. Dr. Michael Berg is an assistant professor of theology at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is also the author of "Vocation: The Setting for Human Flourishing" and cohost of the podcast "Let the Bird Fly." He previously served as a pastor in rural Minnesota. Dr. Berg is a graduate of Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN; Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, WI; the International Academy of Apologetics, Human Rights, and Evangelism; and Biola University. He and his wife, Amanda, have three daughters.