The Best Australian Business Writing 2012

Have Baby Boomers been forced back to work since the GFC? Why do we rely on the arbitrary and illusory numbers of double-entry book-keeping to direct our policies, institutions, economies and societies? Will pre-commitment cards for poker machines coerce the addicted gambler to think before he or she acts? Is airport security a waste of time and money? Not just a series of numbers and facts, good business writing is informative, provocative, funny, even moving. In this first edition of a new annual anthology showcasing the best of Australian business writing, editor Andrew Cornell shows just how good – and how important – writing about business can be. With a foreword by Reserve Bank board member Dr John Edwards, the anthology includes contributions by Gideon Haigh, Alan Kohler, Judith Brett, Saul Eslake, George Megalogenis and a host of other writers and commentators.