The City of Poetry

Sarabande Books
Gregory Orr
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"Jerusalem" is a stucco cottage Filled at all hours with angels, Devils, and assorted orphans Who dance and drink And hand-tint engravings. Blake himself is up in the attic Night and day-- Even in eternity, he's still scribbling. Gregory Orr is the author of ten collections of poetry. The recipient of National Endowment for the Arts and Guggenheim fellowships, he has been a Rockefeller Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Culture and Violence. He has taught at the University of Virginia since 1975, where he is professor of English.

Contributor Bio

Gregory Orr is the author of ten collections of poetry. His fourth book of criticism, Three Strange Angels: Trauma and Transformation in Lyric Poetry was published by the University of Georgia Press in their Life of Poetry series, and his childhood memoir, The Blessing, appeared from Council Oak Books. The recipient of National Endowment for the Arts and Guggenheim fellowships, he has also been a Rockefeller Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Culture and Violence. He has taught at the University of Virginia since 1975, where he is Professor of English and was poetry editor of the Virginia Quarterly Review from 1978 to 2003. He lives with his wife, the painter, Trisha Orr, and his daughters in Charlottesville, Virginia.

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