The Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD

Specialty Press/A.D.D. Warehouse
Melissa Orlov, Nancie Kohlenberger LMFT
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More and more often, adults are realising that the reason they are struggling so much in their relationship is that they are impacted by previously undiagnosed adult ADHD. Learning how to interact around ADHD symptoms is often the difference between joy together and chronic anger and frustration. So this book lays out the most important strategies couples can use -- right now -- to rebuild trust, fight less, disagree more productively, get the attention they deserve, and rebuild intimacy in their relationship. These are strategies honed over years of working specifically with couples impacted by ADHD, and demonstrated to change lives for the better. 'Thrive' is the go-to book for couples struggling with ADHD who want to actively work to improve their relationship.

Contributor Bio

Melissa Orlov is a marriage consultant who helps ADHD-affected couples and also teaches marriage counselors and other professionals about effective marriage therapy for couples impacted by ADHD. She is the author of The ADHD Effect on Marriage and Married to Distraction, writes for ADDitude Magazine, and blogs for Psychology Today and at She speaks internationally on the topic of how adult ADHD impacts relationships, and has been interviewed on the topic of ADHD and marriage by numerous outlets, including CBS, CNN, the New York Times, Today, US News and World Report, and Women’s Health. She lives in Wayland, Massachusetts. Nancie Kohlenberger, LMFT, is a psychotherapist and an ADHD adult relationship coach. She lives in Newport Beach, California.

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