The Flight Navigator Handbook

The Flight Navigator Handbook provides information on all phases of air navigation and is a source of reference for everyone in the field, from navigators to navigator students.
This handbook explains how to measure, chart the earth, and use flight instruments to solve basic navigation problems. It also contains data pertaining to flight publications, preflight planning, in-flight procedures, and low altitude navigation.
Specific topics covered throughout the pages of this informational and helpful guide include:
- Reading maps, charts, and grids
- Dead reckoning
- Radio aid fixing and radio navigation
- Celestial concepts and special celestial techniques
- Computing altitude
- Pressure pattern navigation
- And much more!
Additional information can also be found in the four included and up-to-date appendixes. This includes a listing of references and supporting information used in this publication; mathematical formulas to use as an aid in preflight and in-flight computations; chart and navigation symbols; and a Celestial Computation Sheet.

The Federal Aviation Administration is the national aviation authority of the United States. It regulates and oversees the aviation industry, pilot licensing, and airspace with the goal of providing “the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.”