The Garden Entrusted to Me: Essays on Poetry & the Writing Life
The Garden Entrusted to Me collects Robert Bly’s essential writings on his life and practice of poetry, revealing his approach to technique and the experiences that formed him as a poet.
Robert Bly’s essays on the craft of poetry and the writing life—some previously unpublished—are gathered in one volume for the first. Three autobiographical essays highlight Bly’s origins on the family farm in western Minnesota and his early exposure to poetry as a high school student. Others broadly outline Bly’s approach to the vocation and discipline of poetry. At the center of this collection are a half-dozen pieces that focus on approaches to form and sound in poetry, revealing the originality of Bly’s method and process. The book concludes with the major Paris Review interview summarizing biographical, artistic and philosophical themes of Bly’s life and work as they have appeared throughout this volume, while opening new avenues for further exploration; in that way it mirrors the continual unfolding of Bly’s thought and creativity.
Robert Bly (1926 - 2021) had a profound impact on the shape of American poetry. He is the author of more than thirty books of poetry and essays. As the editor of the magazine The Sixties (begun as The Fiftiesrecent books include Like the New Moon I Will Live My Life, Looking for Dragon Smoke and Collected Poems.