The Garden Next Door

River Horse Publishing
Collin Pine, illustrated by Tiffany Everett
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Age range 3 to 7

Bored and hot on a lazy summer day, three young children watch as birds, bees, and butterflies zoom past them, over their fence, and into their neighbor’s mysterious yard. But why are there no birds or bugs in their yard? Why does the neighbor’s yard glow with fireflies at night, while their yard is dark? Well, the kids are determined to find out...and maybe make some changes to bring a little wilderness to their backyard.

Contributor Bio

Collin Pine’s passion for gardening is rooted in western Pennsylvania, where his childhood summers were spent putting tomatoes into colanders and raspberries directly into his mouth. His love of nature led him to get a degree in environmental science, before serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon. Today, Collin lives in Oakland with his partner and their pet banana slug. When he isn’t writing, Collin is probably either tending to his plants, bonding with the backyard birds, or baking zucchini bread.

is a children’s illustrator passionate about science, nature conservation, and learning new things. She earned her BFA in Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After several years of full-time travel exploring the American West, first by school bus, then by camper van, Tiffany now lives in a cute old house with her husband and two spoiled dogs. When she’s not drawing, she may be found trying out a new recipe, watching an animated show, foraging for wild edible plants, or planning her next camping trip.
