The Intelligent Gardener

Growing Nutrient-Dense Food

New Society Publishers
Steve Solomon, with Erica Reinheimer
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Centuries of agriculture have dramatically depleted our soils causing the nutritional value of fruits, grains and vegetables to decline dramatically, but the process of returning soil to true fertility is widely misunderstood. The Intelligent Gardener is an essential guide to achieving better health for you and your family by remineralizing your soil using natural materials to grow nutrient-dense produce.

Contributor Bio

Steve Solomon is the founder of the Territorial Seed Company. He has been growing most of his family's food for over 35 years, and is the author of several landmark gardening books including Gardening When it Counts and Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades . A lifelong evangelist for the value of self-sufficiency, his writing, lectures and classes are focused on helping people become financially independent through producing their own necessities. He currently homesteads in Tasmania.

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