The Korean Way In Business
Understanding and Dealing with the South Koreans in Business

South Korean companies and technology have seemingly conquered the world. Samsung, Hyundai and LG are now industry leaders and global brands. Korean culture in the form of K-Pop music videos, "Korean Wave" films and TV dramas are watched everywhere from Tel Aviv to Singapore to Rio. Korean gourmet food trucks ply the streets of New York and LA, and kimchi has found a place on the shelves of every well-stocked supermarket. With just a fraction of Japan's land area, less than half its population, and no natural resources— how have the Koreans managed to conquer the world in such a short period of time? The Korean Way in Business is a must-read for business professionals wanting to know the secrets of Korean business practices and commercial success.

Boye Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Japan, China, and Korea since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, student, trade journalist, editor, and author working out of Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, and Singapore. He is a graduate of Jochi University in Tokyo and The American Institute for Foreign Trade (now Thunderbird: The School of Global Management). His 70-plus books include Japan's Cultural Code Words, Business Guide to Japan, and Japan Unmasked.