The Last Saxon King

A Jump in Time Novel, (Book 1)

Imbrifex Books
Andrew Varga
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Age range 12 to 19
  • Marketing and publicity campaign to middle school teachers, middle school readers, young adult readers, historical fiction, fantasy, English history readers, and extensive social media channels
  • Key Outlets:  Book Riot, Town & Country, Millennial Book Review, Book Fever, Goodreads, Books, Los Angeles Times, CafeMom, Imagination Soup, Midwest Book Review, BBC Historic Fiction, Common Sense Media, The New York Times, Publisher's Weekly, Library Journal, Library Thing, Booklist Magazine, Historical Novels Society, Wall Street Journal, Kirkus Reviews, USA Today, Toronto Star,
  • Available on NetGalley, Edelweiss, BookSirens, and as a digital flipbook
  • National radio and TV interviews
  • National blog tour and promotion on the author's social media platforms
Contributor Bio

Ever since his mother told him he was descended from Vikings, Andrew Varga has had a fascination for history. He’s read hundreds of history books, watched countless historical movies, and earned a BA with honors from the University of Toronto with a specialist in history and a major in English.

Andrew has traveled extensively across Europe, where he toured some of the most famous castles, museums, and historical sites that Europe has to offer. During his travels he accumulated a collection of swords, shields, and other medieval weapons that now adorn his personal library. He is skilled in fencing and Kendo—the Japanese art of sword fighting. He has also used both longbows and crossbows, built a miniature working trebuchet, knit his own shirt of chain mail, and earned a black belt in karate.

Andrew currently lives in the greater Toronto area with his wife Pam, their three children, and their mini-zoo of two dogs, two cats, a turtle, and some fish. It was his children’s love of reading, particularly historical and fantasy stories, that inspired Andrew to write this series. In his spare time, when he isn’t writing or editing, Andrew reads history books, jams on guitar, or plays beach volleyball.

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