The Lonesome Era

Iron Circus Comics
Jon Allen
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TIMELESSLY RELEVANT: The story of Camden’s struggle with his homosexuality at an already tough stage of life will be familiar to anyone who lived through their teenage years. Knowing full well how being gay is perceived in his less-than-evolved hometown, Camden has to both accept who he is and confront the people around him – two arcs handled deftly with spare, naturalistic, fast-paced writing.

ENTRY LEVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL: THE LONESOME ERA packs a powerful story into a very small space that belies its hefty page count. With just a handful of words and a few panels per page, the book is perfect for fans of teen literary fiction who want to try graphic novels but aren’t sure where to start.

INCLUSIVE AND WELCOMING STORY: Camden’s story is about the awkward beginning stages of coming out and becoming a gay adult. It welcomes anyone who has experienced that struggle through its sensitive, easygoing narrative.

APPEALING GIFT-WORTHY SIZE: A square format and thick page count immediately sets THE LONESOME ERA apart from other graphic novels, making it perfect for eye-catching table stacks and an impressive gift.

INVITING ARTWORK: Allen’s pleasantly rounded cartoony style encourages a deep dive into the fully lived-in decrepit industrial town he’s created, smoothing out its highly detailed rough edges for a more absorbing read.

Contributor Bio

Jon Allen grew up in a small town in Connecticut in the Naugatuck Valley, and he's been drawing comics since he was a kid, initially inspired by reading Calvin and Hobbes in the newspaper. He went to school for illustration and got his MFA in painting. When he graduated in 2009, he moved to Brooklyn and put all his energy into making comics. Since then, he's worked as a barista, a studio assistant for a handful of painters, a UI/UX designer, and a storyboard and layout artist for a show on Adult Swim.

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