The Lost Novels of Bram Stoker

This delightful new compilation of Bram Stoker's cult classics will be sure to satisfy any lover of vampire fiction, from Dracula to Twilight. All three novels were published after Dracula debuted in 1897. They flirt with vampirism,

Stephen Jones is one of Britain’s most acclaimed horror and dark fantasy writers and editors. He is a Hugo Award nominee and the winner of four World Fantasy Awards, three International Horror Guild Awards, five Bram Stoker Awards, twenty-one British Fantasy Awards and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Horror Writers Association. He has more than 160 books to his credit, including The Lovecraft Squad and Zombie Apocalypse! series, and twenty-eight volumes of Best New Horror anthologies. Visit his web site at or follow him on Facebook at stephenjones-editor. He lives in London, England.