The Macsween Haggis Bible

Scotland's National dish is the source of endless jokes and horror stories, yet continues to provoke curiosity around the world. With an ancient history and an eight-verse tribute penned by Robert Burns, haggis is a Scottish cultural icon. So how did it come to acquire its bad boy image and earn such mixed reviews, ranging from the devotion of its fans to the deep revulsion of the uninitiated?
In this informative and light-hearted book, Jo Macsween of the famous family of Edinburgh haggis makers, expertly guides you through the myths and magic to a new realm of haggis appreciation that transcends neeps, tatties and Burns Night. Featuring fifty mouth-watering recipes, Jo rewrites the rules and demonstrates that haggis is a versatile ingredient that can be savoured at all times of day and throughout the year. She even dares to challenge the long-standing association of haggis with whisky, and recommends a new coterie of drinking companions.

Jo Macsween is a haggis aficionado, food lover and blogger. She grew up doing her homework in the offices of her family's butcher's shop, inhaling the wonderful aroma of freshly steamed haggis. Eventually joining the business in 1992, she is the driving force behind the evolution of Macsween of Edinburgh into a national brand synonymous with haggis-making excellence. Jo continues to be a passionate and enthusiastic ambassador for haggis, introducing a new generation to the virtues of this much maligned dish.