The Mantram Handbook

A Practical Guide to Choosing Your Mantram and Calming Your Mind

Nilgiri Press
Eknath Easwaran
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Use your mantram when you’re ill or anxious, tired or restless, and it will guide you and comfort you like a true friend.

The Mantram, or mantra, is a short, powerful, spiritual formula from the world’s great traditions, repeated silently in the mind, anytime, anywhere. Easwaran, the author of Passage Meditation and the best-selling translations The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, and The Dhammapada, taught the use of the mantram for forty years as part of his passage meditation program.

The mantram can help you to steady your mind and free it from anxiety, anger or resentment. Easwaran explains how the mantram works, and gives practical guidelines for using it to focus your thoughts and access deeper resources of strength, patience, and love.

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