The Naming Book

5 Steps to Creating Brand and Product Names that Sell

Entrepreneur Press
Brad Flowers
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What's in a Name? A lot more than you think. 

Advertising and marketing masters from Ogilvy to Godin have proven the value of words when it comes to building a brand, attracting an audience, and making a sale. In our increasingly crowded and noisy world, a name is the foundation of every product, brand, or business-and it needs to stand out. In The Naming Book, Bullhorn Creative partner Brad Flowers presents a clear framework for crafting and choosing the name that sticks. With a five-step blueprint from brainstorming to trademarking, this book is the ultimate guidebook to naming anything. 

Learn how to: 

  • Set clear goals for your name and brand before you start 
  • Fuel your creativity with out-of-the-box ideas from 
  • Craft a brainstorming list based on your business mission 
  • Build a brand unique to you by creating your own word 
  • Find the balance between 'cool' and clear 
  • Narrow down your list of names with 5 easy tests
Contributor Bio

Brad Flowers co-founded Bullhorn, an agency that builds confident brands with language and design. Brad leads naming and language generation at Bullhorn. He has a degree in English literature, which he finds more useful than he expected. He lives in Lexington, KY with his wife and two kids.
