The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes

The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes shows how the NVC process makes life more wonderful through the joy of compassionate giving.
A comprehensive collection, The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes by NVC founder Marshall B. Rosenberg draws not only from other books and interviews, but also from the internet and previously unpublished workshops. It illuminates his revolutionary four-part Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process and shows the myriad ways NVC makes life more wonderful through the joy of compassionate giving. This essential compilation invites us to transform our lives, our work, our world.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD (1934–2015) founded and was for many years the Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an international peacemaking organization. During his life he authored fifteen books, including the bestselling Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life (PuddleDancer Press), which has sold more than six million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than thirty-five languages. He traveled throughout the world mediating conflict and promoting peace.