The Other Losses

Acknowledging and Mourning All Your Losses Along Life’s Path

Companion Press
Alan Wolfelt PhD
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Human life is a series of attachments, transitions, and losses. We explore, we connect, we love. We grow, we change, we lose.

Over and over on our journey through life, we experience hurt. We often equate the death of a loved one with the term “ loss,” but really it’ s just one kind of loss. Many other losses are deeply consequential as well, from health and financial problems to divorce, estranged relationships, abuse, betrayals, traumatic events, moves from beloved places, lost or broken dreams, and more. Even happy, appropriate transitions can be partly painful, such as leaving for college, getting married, and seeing children into adulthood.

All of these significant losses can be deeply hurtful. When they arise, we naturally grieve inside. But most of us haven’ t learned that just as with death, it’ s essential to mourn— or express our grief— over them. It is through mourning that we integrate all our losses along life’ s path. It is through mourning that we heal and learn to live well, with ever-deeper joy and meaning.

Grief happens. Mourning takes intention and work. The good news is that you can mourn and live an exuberant life at the same time. This book will show you how.

Contributor Bio

Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt is a noted author, educator, and grief counselor. Recipient of the Association for Death Education and Counseling’s Death Education Award, he serves as Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition in Fort Collins, Colorado and is a faculty member at the University of Colorado, Department of Family Medicine. He is the author of a number of best-selling books on grief and loss. Among his titles are Companioning the Bereaved, The Journey Through Grief, and Healing Your Grieving Heart When Someone You Care About Has Alzheimer’s. A frequent guest of the media, Dr. Wolfelt has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Larry King Show, and the NBC Today Show.

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