The Poppy

Ford Street Publishing
Andrew Plant
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Age range 9+

Stunningly illustrated in over 70 paintings, The Poppy is the true story of one of Australia’s greatest victories, and of a promise kept for nearly a century.
On Anzac Day, 1918, a desperate night counter-attack in the French village of Villers-Bretonneux became one of Australia’s greatest victories. A bond was forged that night between France and Australia that has never been broken.
Villers-Bretonneux is ‘The town that never forgets’. What was achieved that terrible night – and what happened after – is a story that, likewise, Australians should never forget.

Contributor Bio

Andrew Plant is an author and illustrator of picture and education books. 􀂥 has been published in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, USA and South Korea.􀂥 has presented sessions in school, and libraries from Alice Springs to Beijing and France. He also paints murals for school, libraries and museums, and designs and builds theatre sets.

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