The Practical Witch's Almanac 2025

Rebel Wisdom

Microcosm Publishing
Friday Gladheart
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The essential core of witchcraft is wisdom and change. We've always been rebellious and defiant, and our own traditions are not exempt from challenge.

Delve into iconic witchcraft traditions like the utterance of 'blessed be' and the influential Wiccan Rede, exploring their origins and relevance today. This introspective journey – isn't just about history; it's an empowering quest. It challenges you to assess these traditions' place in your craft. Embrace, adapt, or boldly defy these customs – this edition empowers you to shape your craft's evolution on your terms as you travel your unique spiritual path.


  • Weekly Schedules
  • Monthly Lunar Planners
  • Moon Signs & Phases
  • Sabbat Times & Dates
  • Eclipses & Meteor Showers
  • Spells & Recipes
  • Correspondences & References
  • and much more!
Contributor Bio

Friday Gladheart came out of the broom closet in the late 1980s, blending her tarot readings with artisanal herbal creations at local markets. In 1996, she founded, renowned as the oldest and most esteemed online academy for Witchcraft, tarot, and magical herbalism. Soon after, The Practical Witch's Almanac made its debut. Balancing her roles in teaching and writing, Friday is currently in the process of cultivating an organic teaching garden-a sanctuary where knowledge and nature intertwine.