The Prisoner Collection
Based on the TV show created by Patrick McGoohan, this all-new adventure written by Peter Milligan sees Breen, codenamed No. 6, trapped in a seemingly bizarre parallel world, unlike anything he has ever experienced before. There he must race to rescue his fellow spy before he loses his very grip on reality. But to save the day, Breen must also confront the arch controller of The Village, a person known only as Number One…
The Prisoner: The Uncertainty Machine sees a return to the world of The Village - the seminal 1967 TV spy show, written, created and starring Patrick McGoohan. The Uncertainty Machine sees a modern day spy called Breen tasked with breaking into The Village in order to extricate a fellow spy who has been 'lifted' by The Village. The information she possesses is too valuable to fall into the hands of whoever it is that controls The Village. In order to rescue her, Breen must engineer his own defection and go rogue thereby becoming a person of interest to powers at work behind The Village. However nothing can prepare Breen for the bizarreness that awaits him inside the Village.